If you are not perfectly satisfied with the item(s) and would like to initiate a refund, please notify us within 7 days of receipt. Unfortunately, we can not refund any shipping costs, taxes and import duties. Refunds will also be set at the price you paid and not the price in the currency concerned at the date of refund.
In order to initiate your return, please email with your order number and reason for return. We will reply to confirm your request within 2-3 working days, along with return shipment instructions. Your refund will be processed once the item(s) are returned to us and reviewed. We recommend posting within 5 days of your Return Request and providing a proof of postage.
You must return the item(s) in unused condition with the original tags, packaging and invoice intact.
Please note that the cost of the return shipping is the customer’s responsibility and we regret we cannot be held responsible for anything lost or damaged in transit.
For items on sale, we cannot accept exchanges and returns.
Purchased items are exchangeable into a different size. Exchanges are only processed upon receipt of the returned items and are based on stock availability. Please contact us at with your order number and exchange request.